Cat D4H Dozer Parts

If you're having trouble finding the right part for your machine, you’re in the right place. With our carefully curated collection of high-quality Caterpillar D4H dozer parts, you can find exactly what you need, saving you time and minimizing costly downtime.

Here at HW Part Store, we understand the critical role your Cat D4H plays in your operations, so we're committed to keeping it running at peak performance.

Precision-Engineered Hydraulic Components

Our replacement D4H Dozer cylinders and seal kits are designed to meet or exceed industry specifications. These parts are crucial for maintaining the hydraulic system's integrity, ensuring smooth operation of your dozer's blade and lift mechanisms. 

By using our top-quality hydraulic components, you'll experience fewer leaks, improved efficiency, and extended service life for your machine. We also offer parts that fit various model years, ensuring compatibility with your specific dozer.

Durable Suspension Parts for Enhanced Performance

Our aftermarket suspension parts for both XL and LGP models of the Cat D4H are an ideal option for maintaining your machines suspension. Each track roller, idler, sprocket, and bushing is built to withstand rough conditions while providing optimal weight distribution and traction. This results in improved stability, smoother operation, and reduced wear on your dozer's undercarriage.

Find Exact-fitting Seal Kits with HW Part Store

If you’re having trouble finding the right seal skit for your machine, feel free to contact our customer support service at +1-979-402-0188. We are available five days a week to help you get back up and running. Email us at if you have any questions or need help finding the right part for your machine.